Escape the Charon is a sci-fi adventure. An ancient alien artifact has been brought to the space station Charon - soon after, the Charon goes dark. James West must search for clues and solve the mystery to discover what went wrong.
Escape the Charon offers three levels of difficulty and an integrated hint system. Easy level for beginners. Normal for those used to Adventures. Difficult if you are looking for a challenge.
One or Two Sittings
Escape the Charon was created to be completed in one sitting, or longer if you are new to Adventures. Get the satisfaction of solving the mystery in the time you would watch a movie or read a book versus weeks of gameplay.
Motion Sickness
Escape the Charon was designed for players who enjoy first person adventure but have trouble with motion sickness. Node-to-node movement with camera adjustments in the Settings allow for enhanced comfort.